What to expect

  • FAQ’s for First-Time Visitors and Guests.

    When should I show up?

    Most congregants arrive within a few minutes of service start time. You are welcome to arrive early, of course, and can walk our grounds, mingle with other congregants in the bookstore, or take a seat and center yourself for service

    What should I wear?

    Whatever you’re comfortable in! Most of our members dress along the lines of business casual, leaning towards the casual side of things. You’re more likely to stand out in your “Sunday Best” than in a comfortable shirt and jeans.

    How long does service last?

    From start to finish, services typically last for one hour. Of that, the sermon itself is typically about 20 minutes long.

    Oh no, I’m running late!

    No worries! You’re free to slip into service after it has begun, we just ask that you do so quietly and respectfully. If you’ve arrived during the meditation, please wait to be seated until after it has finished.

    Where can I park?

    Our primary parking lot is right in front of the sanctuary when you pull in – you can’t miss it! Handicapped parking is available next to our walkway both in the primary lot and secondary field lot.

  • Order of Service.

    Opening Prayer & Welcome

    The minister or leader opens service with a prayerful invocation, which is followed by a casual welcome. During this time we invite anyone visiting for the first time to raise their hands, so that we may recognize them and provide them with one of our visitor’s packets. Don’t worry, we won’t make you stand up or say anything, though!

    Daily Word Reading

    Reading of the daily Word devotional. The affirmation is repeated, and the congregation is invited to speak it aloud together.

    Opening Music

    Our band leads the congregation in two songs from the Hymnal book, found under your seat.

    Meet & Greet

    After the second hymnal, the congregation remains standing and takes a few minutes to say hello to one another. Most members walk around the room and greet each other with hugs – if you’re uncomfortable hugging, just hold your hand out in front of you to show that you’d rather shake hands instead.


    Next, the minister leads a guided meditation. This is a quiet time of still focus, and includes a period of silence.

    Special Music

    After the meditation, the band will play a special song.


    The minister or leader gives the sermon after this song.

    Special Music

    After the sermon, the band plays another song.


    Sometimes also called a “love offering,” the minister or leader will lead the congregation in our Offertory Blessing. The ushers will pass around the collection bags, and congregants can make share a tithe or donation at that time.

    Please note that you are under no obligation to contribute financially during service, regardless of whether it is your first time or hundredth time worshiping with us.

    After the collection has been completed, the offering bags are brought back to the front of the sanctuary where the minister or leader will bless them and pray over them.

    Closing Song and Prayer

    To close service, everyone joins hands in a circle and sings “Let there be peace on earth.” After the song, while still holding hands, the minister or leader leads everyone in Unity’s Prayer for Protection.

    With service officially closed, people are free to enjoy light refreshments in the bookstore and get to know each other a little better.

  • Closing Song and Prayer.

    Closing Song

    “Let there be peace on earth.” After the song, while still holding hands, the minister or leader leads everyone in Unity’s Prayer for Protection.

    Prayer for Protection

    The Light of God Surrounds Us

    The Love of God Enfolds Us

    The Power of God Protects Us

    The Presence of God Watches Over Us

    Where ever we are, God

    And all is well.