Get connected with us

Volunteering allows individuals to make a positive impact on our community and helps foster a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Come and build meaningful relationships, develop new skills, and gain a broader perspective on spiritual issues, ultimately contributing to personal growth and empathy.

We value the time, talents, and treasures of all members of our community!


Fellowship is a huge part of our Sunday service. It gives people an opportunity to get to know others in our Unity family and we can’t have fellowship without food. Most Sundays, we offer refreshments after the Sunday service in the sanctuary.


Creates a friendly, loving and inviting atmosphere for everyone attending. Hands out bulletins, locates seats, collects offerings, and cleans the sanctuary following services.

Welcomes all and answers questions about activities and locations. Helps newcomers find their way around the church. Greet our newcomers on Sunday and invite them to Fellowship Hall for refreshments after the services. 
